Shantou Binfen Seamless underwear factory China
Suppliers Catalogs & Keywords:
Supplier types:Manufacturer
Supplier Address:Minghongtai Bldg,beside Nanzhongtian Hotel,Chendian Town,Chaonan District,Shantou,Guangdong,China
Telephone number:(+86)-0754-86674608
Mobile number:(+86)13556376627
Supplier description: china Binfen Seamless Underwear focuses in medium-high quality production, including: Seamless Bras, One Piece Bras, Bonding Bras, Laser Cut Panties, One Piece Shape wear and Traditional Sewing Bras. These products are exported to Europe, America, South America and Mid-east. Our perfect quality and strength won the support and trust by the customer. Welcome to visit our factory and contact us.
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