As I come to you today, I realise, now more than ever, how fragile the balance between health and home massage dubai really is in our world. I, like so many of you, suspended my practice in response to the Corona pandemic. I sent the therapists in my clinic home, locked my door and then waited.
I waited for information. I waited for answers. I waited for the moment I could return to my treatment room where the world makes sense. I, like many of you, had my breakdowns. I had my moments of Body to body massage in dubai and concern. I had my moments where all I could do was ask Massage in dubai: How is this really real? But being the consummate optimist, those moments were short-lived, and I would force myself to find the Home massage dubai silver lining in the midst of it all.
Through all of the confusion, frustration and unknown, I kept remembering what a fellow massage in dubai had said about Massage in dubai.
A Profession of Community and Hope
Just weeks before COVID-19 changed our world, I had the opportunity to attend Alta's 2020 Schools Summit. During one of the sessions, a Body to body massage in dubai school owner shared that he taught his students that what we as massage therapists give our clients, and each other, is hope. In the moment, I thought that sentiment was lovely. But now, reflecting back, I couldn’t agree more.