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How You Can Cure Swollen Gums at Home?

Your gums are very vital to your oral health. Firm, pink tissues around the tooth are said to be Gums that may be bleeding or get swollen. Swollen gums are also called gingival swelling. This situation makes you often sensitive, painful, irritative and provides more uncomfort. When flossing or brushing swollen gums bleed more quickly. There are many reasons why your gums get swollen? It may cause gum disease. Several times gum disease also referred to as Periodontitis. When the situation becomes severe of the gum, you need Periodontal Disease Treatment immediately.
What are the causes of Swollen Gums?
Here are some of the main  causes of Swollen gums:

  • Gingivitis is the most obvious cause of swollen gums. Your gums become irritated and get swollen due to a gum disease that is known as Gingivitis. It can lead to a much severe condition called Periodontitis and sometimes tooth loss if gingivitis gums left untreated. It is the result of poor hygiene.
  • If you try to put on dental dentures most likely they do not fit properly.
  • Reaction or sensitivity to mouthwash or toothpaste.
  •  Pregnancy
  • Some side effects of a medication you are taking.
  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Dietary problem or food imbalance.
  • Increase of dangerous bacteria in your mouth.


You have to look for Periodontal Disease Treatment when you notice such symptoms.
How to get rid of swollen gums?
The main objective of Periodontitis Treatment is to prevent any infection that might be present and to stop the spreading of the disease. Some Home remedies for swollen gums are as follows:

  1. Apply a lemon paste (from the juice of a lemon and some salt) on your teeth and gargle with warm water after a few minutes to rinse it off.
  2. Apply tea bag on the infected area to relieve swelling and infection.
  3. Avoid stress for it can compromise your immune system, making it harder to fight off bacteria that can cause infection.
  4. Brush with baking soda and water to neutralize the acids which cause gum disease.
  5. Brushing the teeth at least 2 times a day or after every meal.
  6. Cleaning between the teeth using an inter-dental cleaner such as a dental pick or dental stick.
  7. Drink cranberry juice to prevent the bacteria from sticking to your teeth.
  8. Eat vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, grapes, papaya, etc.
  9. Increase vitamin D intake (this vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties).
  10. Flossing daily.
  11. Quit smoking or using any tobacco products.
  12. Regular dental checkups and cleaning at
  13. Rub some honey on the affected area after brushing your teeth.
  14. Swish a sip of sea salt solution (a small amount of sea salt dissolved in warm water) in your mouth for about 30 seconds to reduce swollen gums and prevent infection.
  15. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and replace it at least every 3-4 months.
  16. Using an electric toothbrush can be more effective for removing tartar and plaque build-up.
  17. Using antiseptic mouth wash or rinse recommended by your nearest dentist.
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