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You have to maintain the goblins charging at the gate, if they crack through then the town will fall. Your first aim is to OSRS gold protect the gate while General Bentnoze prepares the defence, it will take 10 minutes for the gate to be reinforced. When it has been head for the towers and shoot the goblins with the crossbow.

Initial wave: 10 levels 2 goblins will hurry up to the gate, the gate has 50 health and these goblins will always hit 0 or 1. Secondly: 20 levels 2 goblins will hurry up and begin hacking their way at the gate, these are just as easy to kill as the last ones were. Third-wave: 5 levels 5 goblins and 10levelsl 2 goblinsa lott quicker than others will run up the road to strike, the level 5 goblins will hit as much as a 3 to the gate.Fourthh wave: 10levelsl 5 goblins and 20 levels 2 goblins will attack this moment, this will be harder but still simple, just make certain they do not get too close to the gate. Fifth tide: 15 level 5 goblins and 10 level 10 goblins, even quicker than the past and so much stronger, if the level 10 goblins get the gate they could hit up to a five to it. Sixth wave: 20 level 2 goblins, 15 level 5 goblins and 15 level 10 goblins will form a formation, the weaker at the trunk and stronger in the front. This is were many could get stuck, deal with the stronger goblins first and worry about the weak later. By today the goblins with you would have all died. The captins would be the most powerful and can hit around 7 about the gate! Kill them quick.In the beginning he'll have no part of it, but if you show him silverlight(or excalibur), a pickaxe and a redberry pie he changes his head. He smiths a holy-pickaxe and passes it to you. Now talk to some of the mages, and you'll find that they'll be the sole lucky one who obtained their memory back (haxed, I know) and they'll give you an enchantment to summon the demons (is different for everybody, however is obviously made of:summonus,Arlan,rune, reman.)

Now you'll need to acquire the golem, and compose new schooling for him and place it in his mind., and you will also need to collect 2 friends that are up to this stage in the pursuit.

Now get your friends, weapons, armour,prayer, and meals and prepare to teleport to the rune essence... until you discover the mages have lost their heads. Upon searching them you will discover a piece of Buy RS gold parchment. It educates you how you can produce a tele-tab to the rune essence. You'll need to get: 2 law runes, a piece of soft clay or moltern glass, and 10 rune essence. Make the teletabs, team up with your team and teleport into the essence.