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Hold Up The Light - Prayers That Change Lives

Submitted by retamasten on Wed, 10/07/2020 - 00:02

And to the pagans He showed mercy. NLP Hero There is one incident when a pagan ruler had a servant who was gravely ill and he wanted Jesus to heal his servant. Jesus wanted to go immediately to heal the servant, but on the insistence of the ruler, Jesus simply spoke a word to heal him.
These incidents clearly show Jesus being merciful towards the pagans and tax-collectors. Those who claim to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. He emphasized this kind of forgiving and merciful characteristics when He said we are to forgive those who sin against us, and we are to pray for our enemies and we are to bless those who persecute us. Not easy, but apart from Him we can do nothing. It may not be easy, but it certainly is not impossible. Jesus always led by example and on the Cross He perfectly modeled these instructions when He prayed,It is said that when I forgive someone, I release a prisoner and that prisoner is myself. Mercy triumphs over judgment and those who show mercy will themselves receive mercy.

When we want to correct someone, therefore, we are not to turn it into a platform to publicly embarrass the person. We should respect their dignity and first address the matter in private. If that doesn't help, we should get someone to go with us to help resolve the issue. The essential idea here is to not just give up but to try our best for the sake of reconciliation and peace. God only accepts our gifts of love as far as we love other people. Love does not give up at the first sign of resistance, but always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. Correction done in love will never take away from the person's character, but always add to it.

I must honestly admit that I find it quite amusing to see the kind of things people get up to in order to fit in with the in crowd. They acquire certain pretentious "yuppie" attitudes. They adopt a certain lingo; buy only certain clothes. They compete with each other concerning their possessions and who attended what important event. Many times they do these things not because they really want to or really enjoy it, but simply to be accepted, admired as important; to boost their fragile little egos; to be noticed.