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Which Material Should You Choose For Your Splashbacks?

What are splashbacks and why are they important? If you're like most people you have a countertop, sink, or kitchen island already, but you might want to consider adding a splashback to your design. Splashbacks give the appearance of extra depth in your countertop or kitchen island, but can also serve as functional surfaces for your storage drawers or appliances. Here's a quick guide to splashbacks and why they're a great choice for any kitchen design.

Splashbacks come in many styles, materials, and colours. Do you prefer it to be an attractive statement of the room, with colour and pattern, or as a supporting, functional character that emphasizes the beauty of your room's kitchen cabinetry? Think about the answers to this question when you look at six of the most common material choices for splashbacks. They include wood, glass, granite, tile, and marble. Each of these different materials has its own advantages, but none of them will have the same effect in every design you choose. So be sure to think about your own personality, the style of the room, and the overall design of your home before you make your final selection.

Glass is a relatively new material that's quickly becoming a popular choice for splashbacks. It can add depth to your countertop and kitchen island, or be used as a standalone display surface. It can look amazing against the tile and is often the most affordable choice. You can add an attractive design element to your splashback with an etched glass edge panel. This makes an impressive focal point in your splashbacks and can be an easy way to create interest without overdoing it. The most popular materials for glass splashbacks are stainless steel and glass tiles.

Granite is the most traditional of the splashback options. It provides an elegant appeal in your splashbacks that is unmatched by any other material. If you've ever decorated a kitchen or bathroom, you know how important it is to use a neutral colour and a smooth, flat texture. When you choose granite for your splashbacks you'll be able to achieve both of those characteristics and still have the depth that you need to make your countertop and kitchen island stand out. Granite is the only material that can be used for a kitchen island, but it won't be as durable and long-lasting as the other materials.

Tile is another popular choice for splashbacks. Tiles can be polished to make them shiny, but many homeowners opt to install a mosaic or pattern on top of their tile to provide more depth. If you choose ceramic tile, it can be placed behind the countertop or installed directly on top of it, providing you with a smooth, even, uniform appearance. Tile has the advantage of being affordable and being easy to clean, but it doesn't stand out as much as other splashbacks because it's usually a monochromatic shade.

Marble is the material of choice for splashbacks that don't have any kind of design or pattern. It provides a clean, even, and uniform appearance, but it can also be stained or painted to add interest and character to your kitchen area.