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The Many Health Benefits of Honey -Homenaturalcures

Honey benefits are not widely known by everyone. The main fact most people know about honey is that bees make it and it is available to purchase at your local grocery store from the jelly isle.
Most people also know that bears eat honey. Although bears do not go digging into a bee hive just for the honey, but also for the bee larvae and eggs, still bears eat some honey too. This is undoubtedly why honey is found in containers of a bear shape. The bear shape is sort of the mascot for honey.
In What Ways Is Honey Beneficial
Native Americans knew about some Health benefits of honey after they observed bears being ferociously stung by bees during their bee hive honey hording routine. The natives then decided to gather honey for themselves, thinking that since bears went through great effort to obtain it, then it must be good. They noticed that honey healed their bee stings and other cuts on their skin.
Besides what the Native Americans observed about honey, what is a common observation today? Well, have you ever had a sore throat and someone recommended you to go make some hot tea and put some honey in it. The honey actually has soothing properties that alleviates sore throat pain. Yes honey is a healing agent. Not only is it good for sore throats but it is also good for many other ailments and health issues such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Hair loss
  • Bladder infections
  • Toothaches
  • Cholesterol reduction
  • Colds
  • Infertility
  • Upset stomach
  • Heart disease
  • Immune system
  • Indigestion
  • Influenza
  • Longevity
  • Acne
  • Skin rash
  • Weight loss
  • Cancer
  • Fatigue
  • Bad breath
  • Hearing loss

As you can see from this list there are Health benefits of honey just in the healing properties honey has on your body. I can't go into each one in this article, but I will touch on one more regarding the immune system.
Did you know that if you have severe allergies, you can use honey to get rid of them? It's true. Since honey is manufactured by bees and bees get the nectar from flowers, honey ends up with minute traces of pollens in it. What happens is your body builds up immunity to these traces of pollens. It works just the same way when you go to a doctor to get immunization shots. Those shots have traces of whatever it is you are trying to get your body to defend off. So by eating honey, you are saving yourself a trip to the doctor to get allergy shots.
One thing I might point out though, is that in order for this benefit to work you need honey that is locally cultivated. The reason why you want locally cultivated honey is because the goal is to get your body to be immune to your local allergens. If you get honey that was produced by bees in some other geographical area, then it does not do you much good unless you plan on vacationing to the area where the honey was produced.
In summary, honey is a very holistic and natural way to cure ailments. Honey benefits are significant and one of nature’s medicines, if we so choose to use it as such. If only this was more common knowledge, people would actually be able to remedy many of their own ailments and health issues. However, it still does not take the place of your regular health checkups from your own family medical practitioner.
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