The biggest challenge which incurs in a business partnership is that the inefficiency of a partner affects the progress of others. However, Limited Liability Partnership or LLP nullifies any such risk. It encourages entrepreneurs to commence joint ventures at the lowest liability. Moreover, it is the safest form of doing business for startups or small firms. Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 regulates the activities of a corporate partnership body and ensures its smooth operations. If you also choose LLP, then you should be well-versed with the LLP registration procedure. Needless to worry, this blog will help you usher your doubts in regards to Online LLP registration.
About SwaritAdvisors
Swarit is technology motivated platform establishing the specialized legal & Financial advisory services in India. We are dedicated to helping startups and MNC in solving legal, Taxation and compliance related to starting and running their business around the world.
Our Services:
Microfinance Company Registration | Trust Registration | FCRA Registration | OPC Registration | Sole Proprietorship Registration | Patent Registration | Nidhi Company Registration | NBFC Registration