In addition to a book, your group could discuss a CD or DVD. Just sit close to the player so you can hit the pause button often for discussion. Contributions that include experiences about applying the principles and lessons learned are especially helpful and welcome. Enjoy the endeavor Gathering spiritual wisdom is one of life's most enjoyable endeavors. Our work is to collect all the facts we can about ourselves and our inner development. When we place this treasury of life-changing facts inside our minds, higher spiritual forces activate them--like the morning sun shining on a garden of rare and beautiful flowers. The Christ consciousness, the God Force, the Tao, the Buddahood, the 'Infinite Self', whatever you care to call It, runs through all things.
It flows through the life force of plants, trees, animals, humans. . . it is everywhere. It has no definitions. Only the ego needs to define, quantify, measure and discriminate in order to create a framework to life, so it can feel secure and comfortable with what little it knows. The act of defining life limits your perception of it. Ridding yourself of definitions of high, low, good and bad is the first step toward grasping the indefinable nature of the Infinite Self.
This can be a bit upsetting for the ego, because the ego likes the idea of my body, my house, my vehicle and I'm not anywhere else but here. In the strict physical sense this is true. However, in the realm of consciousness, your energy is bigger than mere concepts of my body, my life, my house, my boat. . . and, you are everywhere, and yet nowhere.