When pain is experienced the Vitamove Back Pain Relief body sends more white blood cells to the affected area. The result is less red blood cells, less oxygen and less nutrients are available to begin the healing process. The process of retarding oxygen and nutrients causes a new "injury" to the area. When the nervous system senses an injury it sends signals to the brain, which interprets them as "pain." The new signal is sent to the injured area, telling the muscles to reduce blood supply in an effort to reduce swelling. However, this blood deficit causes more pain, swelling and spasms.
This cycle of pain, elevated white blood cells, lower red blood cells, excess waste material, more pain and inflammation can continue on for days, weeks, even years if not treated properly. Correct application of ice and heat is the method of treating soft tissue injuries, pain, spasms and inflammation. Incorrect application, however, can prolong the problem and make it become chronic. While at opposite ends of the temperature spectrum, heat and cold both create a healing response.
If you think of your stove and your freezer, you can easily see the result of either. Heat melts and increases surface area. Cold constricts and prevents expansion of fluids. Heat moves things along while cold maintains them in a state of suspended animation. So how do these temperatures affect the body? Heat causes the body to circulate more blood and to remove toxins. This allows more fresh oxygen and nutrients to the injured area, which begins and continues the healing process while removing the toxins that cause scar tissue and chronic pain. Cold, on the other hand, retards swelling and reduces pain.