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Oil and gas industry- Technology in the supply chain

Submitted by austinlan on Fri, 07/24/2020 - 22:58

Achieving the efficiency required today in the Patenting Innovation in Oil and Gas industry. The fluctuation in the price of a barrel of crude oil requires that disruptive technologies be exploited with the greatest possible opportunity.
Digital solutions allow you to automate processes, determine the location of reservoirs, monitor and execute adjustments remotely and intelligently in production facilities, among other activities. How can industry leaders take advantage of these digital tools?
Various uses of technology applied to the oil and gas industry
As in the fields of production, the path of transformation opens up every day and is not without risks.
Considering that the interaction between people and robots will be increasingly relevant. It is necessary for companies' talent and Senior Management to acquire new skills and knowledge to take advantage of all the possibilities offered by the digital world. The Oil & Gas Product Design is also a big challenge.

Technologies that reduce oil uncertainty
The Unconventional Oil And Gas industry in its task of reducing the uncertainty generated by the search for hydrocarbons. Precisely, one of the issues that worries oil companies is to be able to reduce drilling costs, because drilling a well is one of the most expensive costs in the industry, taking into account that it can represent between 50 and 70 per percent of a company's budget.
To achieve this objective, the companies been incorporating and applying new Oil And Gas Technologies related to drilling fluids and wellbore stability, all this in order to contribute to this end.
On the other hand, at the fluid laboratory level, the best products are evaluated and selected, with the idea of avoiding clogging of the production line.
This information Prototype Development is integrated with the field parameters that are transmitted in real time and interpreted in the Eco Age software. This has allowed drilling engineers to monitor and make decisions. Immediately avoiding costly corrective actions.
Another process implemented is the one that combines, in a novel way, conversion, time, depth, tomography and deep seismic processing techniques.
With this, the companies have managed to solve a recurring problem that had been presenting, this had to do with the difference that was being registered between the measures that the seismic yielded and those that the subsoil gave, since the seismic sessions are determining for the hydrocarbon exploration and are referred to in time units. While the reality of the subsoil is in depth and the difference caused by these two, it can be concluded that some structures seen in time may not exist when they are converted into depth.
The new methodology that is being developed is much more robust than commercial techniques and has already been successfully applied in the country.
In this way, the reduction of exploratory uncertainty in areas with complex geologies is supported and it has also been possible to specify the volume of resources that were going to be found in the prospectus.