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Do You Know High Diabetes Can Twice Increase The Chance Of Heart Attack?

Submitted by nagarajseo on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 21:44

How diabetes affects your heart health: probably it has been the most ask question to the doctors. Do you know that the risk of heart attack in diabetics is up to four times higher? Would you still like to avoid its symptoms? Consuming proper medicine not only keeps your diabetes under control, but also keeps your heart and other organs safe and healthy. Let’s take a short view of the scenario: how bad is diabetes is for your heart. Diabetes not only causes damage to the heart, but overall body.

It’s time to react!

There are many disorders that attack the heart, and diabetes is on that list. But many people still do not make this type of association, making the scenario worrying. A recent survey found that less than half of respondents cited heart disease as the most relevant consequences of diabetes. Therefore, to clarify and warn about the relationship between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, experts suggest taking care of your overall health. Taking ayurvedic medicine for diabetes is the most effective way. More than taking care of yourself, it is important to be more attentive to discuss it with your doctor for periodic check-ups, in addition to adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

The number is of serious concern

More than 450 million people worldwide suffer from the disease. Although there are two types of pathology, type 2 is related to 90% of diagnosed cases. Known for unbalancing blood sugar levels, diabetes is a chronic disease that is characterized by the inability to produce insulin. It is a hormone essential for sugar control or by a dysfunction that does not allow the body to use the substance properly. While type 1 consists of a genetic immunological defect that reduces the production of insulin by the pancreas and is diagnosed mainly during childhood and adolescence. Type 2 is usually related to bad lifestyle habits, such as being overweight and being sedentary, despite to also be associated with the patient's family history.

Diabetes and heart disease

But why does diabetes increase the chances of cardiovascular disease? The fact is that the pathology results in a lack of control in blood sugar levels, which generates a state of inflammation. This condition favors the appearance of fatty plaques, an increase in bad cholesterol and other substances in the artery walls, restricting blood flow. On the other hand, insulin also dilates the internal and external arteries. And its absence in the body causes a deficiency in that relaxation. It increases the pressure in the vessels. And as type 2 diabetes is linked to obesity. The consequence of which is the accumulation of excess fats in the body, the chances for the appearance of cardiovascular diseases are very high.

According to a study, about 80% of patients with type 2 diabetes die from this type of complication. Unfortunately, diabetes has no cure. Diabetes can be treated and controlled. After analyzing the condition, the patient with the disease is advised by the doctor to adopt healthier lifestyle habits and may also have to resort to ayurvedic medicine for diabetes that helps control blood sugar.

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