Most of you would have heard of the Ayurvedic way of life. It is coming back in all forms. It is mainly an ancient form of natural medicine. It means “the science of life.” Allopathic medicine today, does provide fast cures and manages the disease well. However, Ayurveda is more about disease prevention and the elimination of the root cause. Both schools of medicine have their arguments.
There is no disease that this holistic form of medicine cannot cure. One of them is skin ailments. Most of the doctors today will prescribe medicines that will quickly cure the disease, however, with very little longevity. So, most of you are turning to the natural form of medicine.
Skin Ailments Occurrence
Everyone today wants beautiful, smooth, and supple skin. However, not many of you have it. There are reasons behind it. The various causes include:
• Intake of food that is detrimental to the body. It includes fried food and junk food.
• The exposure to sun rays fastens the aging process.
• Excessive intake of soft drinks and alcohols tend to dehydrate the skin.
• Improper application of steroids.
You must know that each one of you, are governed by doshas. There are three doshas – Vata,Kapha and Pitta make up the individual. If you eat and apply medicines according to your dosha, then only you can stay young and healthy. Ayurvedic Medicine Online has remedies for all of these.
The Various Skin Diseases
The most common skin ailments are acne vulgaris, leucoderma, psoriasis, and eczema. You can treat all of these with ayurvedic medicines. You can treat acne with the various powders available. Ayurvedic medicine online has some excellent products like Anantamool powder, Ambehaldi powder, and Manjistha powder to cure the acne.
Anatamool powder is a Pitta pacifier. Moreover, it purifies blood and cures the skin. It cures various skin ailments like acne. It also has a long-lasting effect on the complexion.
Ambehaldi powder is another wonderful product. Moreover, it can be regularly applied on the skin. It leads to a radiant complexion. You can get rid of the skin blemishes with this ayurvedic formulation. It is also called mango ginger. Moreover, it can fight against bacteria. You can also treat stretchmarks with this wonderful herbal powder.
Kanchan Kaya Churna is another herbal formulation that you can use to treat leucoderma and vitiligo. You can purchase one form the ayurvedic shop. It is the most effective remedy against white patches on the skin. It helps to eliminate “ama” or toxins from the body. This powder treats hyperpigmentation and also restores the natural balance of the body. There is oil, called SKM VetpalaiThailam that treats chronic skin problems like psoriasis. You can wholly rely on these ayurvedic powders, oils and creams to treat various skin ailments today. Apart from the external application, you must also eat healthy. These are prerequisites for the ayurvedic way of life. Adopt Ayurveda today, to lead a life free of all ailments.
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