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This Motorcycle Carburetor action

Submitted by yuada on Thu, 04/07/2016 - 23:12

This Motorcycle Carburetor action is called torque. The movement of the belt or chain causes the rear wheel of the motorcycle to revolve.

A motorcycle's performance is determined by how many cylinders are inside the engine and how they are arranged.

A single cylinder engine has one cylinder and one piston. Single cylinder engines are used in all off road motorcycles.

The single cylinder provides a lot of torque, but also a load of vibration。

 The vibration is loud and one of the qualities that dirt bike race fans crave during a race.

Above almost all else, motorcycle frames shape the overall look and feel of your custom chopper.

If you're mulling over the idea of building your own custom chopper from scratch or from a custom bike kit, motorcycle frames are the piece around which you'll want to build your design concept.

There are several styles of motorcycle frames to consider depending on the look you're going for and how you'll be using your custom chopper.

When comparing custom frames, you'll notice that they are described in terms of "stretch."

The amount of stretch in the downtubes refers to how much higher the custom frame is than the stock Carburetor float frame.