True to their name, Destroyers have the most stopping power of any class in Blade & Soul. With their overwhelming presence, Destroyers provoke enemies into attacking them as the biggest threat around. Once they have their opponent's attention, they overpower all who stand in their way.
Destroyer in Play
The Destroyer focuses on dealing two types of damage: Earth or Shadow. Not all skills will have an associated elemental damage, but those that do will have their damage increased with the selection of the right items. Focusing around these damage types is advantageous in the long run, especially as you get to end-game dungeons.
While in a party, the Destroyer's preference for the front line does not translate into maintaining the attention of their enemies, as their threat generation is low. Instead, their strength and high endurance provides ample opportunity to provide support—rescuing downed allies, protecting the more vulnerable from harm, or specializing in removing afflictions from their party. They also excel at setting up group combos for their other team members to take advantage of.
In Arena PvP, the Destroyer can easily escape any attempts to hold them down by simply spinning away. Get your opponent to throw away the cooldowns of their limited escapes, and then overwhelm them with a variety of stuns and knockdowns. Then you can take full advantage of their defenselessness by focusing on critical damage, and quickly finishing them off with fast successive axe cleaves.
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