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Physical Signs of Stress

Submitted by sagasan on Mon, 03/28/2016 - 00:57

Lutein is a fantastic anti oxidant pigment. It is naturally provided to us in our body, especially in the skin and the eyes. This is to safeguard our eyes and the skin from the UV rays of the son. Of course lutein for the eyes is much more important from the age related molecule diseases AMD point of view.Macula is an important organ in our eyes. The cells in and around macula is provided with this pigment to The Flab Blaster Review protect the eyes from the UV rays. When we become old or in many cases due to health reasons, the cells in and around the macula get degenerated. It needs anti oxidant so that free radicals are handled properly by providing required proton to neutralize them. This anti oxidant is nothing but the lutein. Once cells become degenerated obviously the lutein gets depleted. This will lead to blurred vision, cataract etc.

Where to find this lutein? Since our body cannot produce lutein the only alternative is external sources.Broccoli, spinach, carrot, potato, tomato, marigold, papaya etc., have lutein. However the content varies and it will be difficult to ensure appropriate dosage. Of course taking vegetables and fruits is the best way to improve lutein but then the problem is uncertainty in terms of quantum.The best way is to seek lutein for the eyes is the natural nutrition supplement. There are plenty of them in the market. While most of them are genuine, do not fall pray to cheap synthetic products.I would strongly suggest you to go for quality nutrition intake. That should be complete planned natural nutrition scheme that will provide synergy and ensure total balance to all nutrition that will take care of the entire spectrum of the vision. Do not take chances to this important organ called eyes. Vision lost is life lost.