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Knitting Stretchy Fabric component identification

Knitting Stretchy Fabric component identification method is simple combustion. Practice is at the seams of clothing under a wisp of smoke containing warp and weft yarn cloth with fire to ignite, observe the state of flame, Wen cloth yarn burning odor after issue, see the residue after burning, in order to determine whether the durability of the label on the garment fabric composition, as in order to identify the authenticity of the fabric component.

A cotton fiber and hemp fiber cotton fiber and hemp fiber are just near the flame that is burning, burning quickly, the flame was yellow, take the blue smoke. Both burning odor and burning after the ashes difference is that the cotton issue of paper burning smell, Ma ash smell of burning issue; combustion, cotton has little powder ashes, was black or gray, hemp is to produce a small amount of white powder ashes.

Second,The hair fiber and silk Gross case of fire smoke, burning blistering, burning slow, exudes the coke smell of burning hair, ashes after burning mostly shiny black spherical particles, finger pressure that is broken. Silk in a fire shrunk slug, slow combustion, accompanied by the hiss, emit hair fever burnt smell, after burning ashes form a dark brown pellets, hand twist that is broken.

Silk, as a natural fabric, is definitely comfortable and easy to wear. And with attractive feel and look, it is widely used in many different types of clothing and other garments. However, silk is still a big category, it can be divided into smaller classes as well. Knowing well of characteristics of the fabrics will absolutely help you to better choose when you decide to buy some Textile Fabric