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I love the idea of fighting for survival

I love the idea of fighting for survival, collecting supplies, crafting new items and developing a safe haven to relax my head after each day. I’m simply not very good in internet marketing. Take Don’t Starve for instance–it’s an incredible game that provides Buy CSGO M4A4 Skins a lot of cool stuff to complete, but I appear to struggle using the concept of actually not starving.

The clue is within the name of the sport, but I guess I’m simply not meant for survival. Who knows how I’ve were able to last so long in the real world… thankfully for microwave meals I guess. The Flame In The Flood continues to be different though. I wouldn’t refer to it as easier at all, having suffered many a dreadful death in the hands of starvation (my old friend), a number of illnesses and through the wrath of the enraged charging boar.

It’s definitely not dumbed down either, something evidenced in all from the crafting and necessities you need to be able to survive. I’ve just thought it was a a lot more accessible experience which has hooked me set for hours and also you know what? I’m actually surviving. The Flame In The Flood puts you inside a desolate environment in which a flood is responsible for a huge river circulation throughout your surroundings.