For the love of god clear the ball...: This is one I personally need to learn too. We all are pretty confident with our passing ability. With all the years we could shape the ball from one defender to Fifa 16 PS4 Coins another around strikers, we figure it's more of the same.
It's really, really hard to get the ball out of your half sometimes. Further more, you -- like I -- will concede a lot of unneeded goals if you don't dump it. Lose the battle, win the war. It takes a big man to swallow his pride and clear it, but you'll be rewarded.
Take a touch, take another touch: Passing is tough, and further more the ball will only keep moving faster and Fifa 16 XBOX One Coins faster if you keep pinging passes back and forth. Be a little patient, touch the ball before firing. Just slowing down the ball speed will go a long way.