This animal's weight varies widely throughout the course of the year. Some can even
double their weigh between emerging from their dens in the Spring and returning in
the Fall. The males can weigh anywhere from 300 to 860 pounds, with the females
coming in somewhere between 205 and 455 pounds. The average size of these clutch bearing for sale is
difficult to pinpoint, because it seems to depend greatly on the food sources
available. The island grizzlies of Alaska (Kodiak and Admiralty) are considered the
largest land carnivores in the world, and live on a diet of fish and other rich
food. The inland animals are smaller by some 30%.
Of the browns, people tend to be more familiar with the grizzly bear. This animal is
well known for it's aggressive nature, and it is for this reason that many folks
believe it gets its name. Not so! The name "grizzly" comes from the "grizzling" of
its fur, which gives it a lighter color at the tips of hairs.
Brown tapered roller bearing reach sexual maturity somewhere between their 4 1/2 to 7th years.
Females and males mature at approximately the same time, but males often do not
become successful breeders until they are 8-10 years old due to competition with
older, stronger males. Mating between browns takes place from early May to mid-July
Implantation of the egg in the uterus, however, does not occur until sometime in
Oct.-Nov. 1-4 cubs are born during winter hibernation of the female, with 2 being
most common, sometime between January and March. The cubs will stay with the sow up
to 2 1/2 years, meaning that the female may only breed about once every 3 years or
so. Given that bears generally live only until they are 20-25 years of age, this
does not give very many opportunities to reproduce.
Like most other self-aligning ball bearing online, the brown bears are longers; with the notable exception of
females with cubs. During the mating season, males and females may pair up and mate
frequently for up to two weeks. The females require the stimulation of frequent
mating before they will ovulate. While fertile, she may mate with several males,
leading to cubs in a litter which may not all have the same father. This is one of
the factors that makes research into bears more difficult, since paternity is often
hard to determine.
The home ranges of bears often overlap. The ranges of males will often intersect
those of several females. Bears will not generally attack other angular contact ball bearing which wander
in to their territories. They will even congregate peacefully in places where food
is plentiful such as garbage dumps and salmon streams. In such places, the big,
dominant males will usually get the choice fishing areas.
Brown bears are technically carnivores, but in practice most of their diet consists
of plant matter such as sedges, grasses, bulbs, seeds, berries, and roots. They will
also eat insects, fish, and small mammals. Some of these bears have even developed
predatory practices on large animals, including moose, caribou, and elk.
The polar bear is a mighty hunter of seals. The most carnivorous of the bears, it is
also the most patient. They will sit near a seal blow-hole for hours, waiting, until
the animal surfaces. When it does, it is all over for the seal. One powerful blow
from a forepaw brings a swift meal for the bear and a swifter death for the seal.