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240 Relic... i feel there's something FFXIV wrong with it

Submitted by ffxivfans on Thu, 07/21/2016 - 19:26

Why upgrade and farm ESOS so much for a thing u can only use a after a long farm, i believed that u would upgrade your own anima?

I thought was like an upgradable legendary, like Archimonde weekly items in WoW.
Edit: to be clear, when i upgraded the anima, i thinked those 3 SpS points were to my equipped 230 weapon, not the 240 one.

...You upgrade the weapon.
I don't get what you're trying to convey here. It sounds like you're complaining about how long it takes to get a 240 weapon? Which is the point of relics, generally they take a while and are catch-up weapons for Raiders or people who like/want relics.

Not the length, the fact that the stats don't count as you add them. It's not hard to tell what they are saying, especially with "u can only use a after a long farm" implies they thought the upgrades count as you go, rather than after you finish the weapon.

That makes sense. I wondered that during Animus as well. It didn't unlock those stats that I completed until I completed the Animus.

That's the difference between Hardcore and Casual in terms of gear. Not saying casual is bad at all, just pointing out time investment for the best gear. The same mindset can be said about Midas Savage compared to getting lore weapon.
"A lot of time, raiding, and frustration for +1-2 weapon damage when I can farm A8N which isn't tough at all and have a 230 weapon in 7 weeks."

It's just what people want to do put in the game, I know I'm hating the Buy FFXIV Power leveling relic grind right now (currently at the 200 stage, working on 210) and definitely feel ~1-2 weapon damage won't mean anything. I just like doing it.

240 isn't even the final form, there'll be more stages through coming patches. Each stage you upgrade and evolve the weapon again.

Also, this isn't WoW. They had to make the legendary upgradeable because they don't patch new content for over a year. Gotta give players some reason to keep playing.

You are building the weapon to your preferred stats in the current step. It wouldn't work if they wiped your hyperconductive to a blank slate to upgrade little by little. This whole relic step should be designed differently if you wanted the bonuses effective immediately.

I get what you mean with the WoW comparison but you should remember that the reason the upgrades were coded in in the first place was to give Blizzard more leeway with their lazy patching schedule. It's a trade-up for not having new content for over a year. We're getting the next relic step probably in September
The anima weapon isn't supposed to be the best of the best as legendaries in WoW, it's an alternate and casual way to get a good weapon. For some jobs anima is better than raid drops and the customizing in this step will probably make it more desirable, but there are many who will rather take a raid drop over a relic.