The Kids Garden Tools chemicals or antibiotics that can cure fungus and bacterial diseases are called fungicides.
As with insecticides, some of these are systemic (absorbed slowly into the plant tissues) and can therefore destroy microorganisms that attack any part of a plant.
Fungicides are not generally harmful to either plants or human beings. But it is, as always, essential to follow the safety instructions on the package.
All fungicides labeled for use must be applied outside.
Products that combine a systemic pesticide and a systemic fungicide are also available.
But because diseases are so much less likely than pests to attack plants, it is seldom necessary to use such products.
Don't buy all kinds of expensive little containers and kits.
There are several money saving ways that you can start seeds indoors very inexpensively.
You can start your seeds in toilet paper rolls (tutorial here) or even better in old newspaper (tutorial here and here).
Newspaper pots can be planted directly into your garden, pot and all. I have used these before successfully. I have also used egg Broom and Brush cartons.