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What is the difference between regular shoes and orthopaedic shoes?

When humans started wearing shoes, it was just bark sandals and a simple wraparound of leather.
Humans invented shoes for the sole purpose of protection. Later on, comfort became another concern for shoe designs. As a result, we have myriads of designs and innovations in footwear today.

Do insoles help with plantar fasciitis?

The stabbing pain at the bottom of the foot can be plantar fasciitis. It is the most common cause of heel pain and that’s the reason insole brands are marketing their products targeting people with inflamed plantar fascia.
The pain of plantar fascia is triggered by long periods of standing. If you are standing for long periods at work or are someone who is always on the move, you most likely have heard about insoles designed for heel support.

How do you know if you need orthotics?

It is known to almost everyone that years of bad posture or gait disorders can lead to severe discomfort and mobility issues. However, only a few know that orthotics are a surefire way to improve posture problems.
Orthotics have proven beneficial in providing comfort in various foot conditions. Not necessarily only flat footed people can use orthotics. Now custom-made orthotics can be used by anyone who experiences foot pain due to daily life activities and needs extra support under the arch or heel of their feet. 

Why would a child need to see a podiatrist?

No matter how many parenting books and articles you read, it is always challenging to serve the needs of a growing child.
Routine visits with a specialist are important for the optimal health and development of your child. Just like regular dental appointments are necessary, a preventativevisit to a paediatric podiatrist is also important, even if your young child or baby has no obvious problems.

What is the best treatment for diabetic foot pain?

Foot problems commonlyoccur in people dealing with unmanageable blood glucose levels. Diabetic foot care becomes important because higher blood sugar levels can damage the nerves and blood vessels in the feet.
The condition is described as diabetic neuropathy, in which you might experience burning and tingling sensations. The painful and burning sensations are the earliest signs of nerve damage.


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