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eric child custody law's blog

Can I Skip Child Support Obligations By Declaring Bankruptcy?

Individuals who declare bankruptcy may hold the belief that all of their debts will be wiped away. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. One debt that many bankrupted individuals are left with is child support in arrears.

Child support in arrears means past due payments. In other words, the individual has failed to keep current on support payments to his or her child's custodial parent. When individuals fail to pay these obligations, they are not merely forgotten; a balance accumulates.

Here Are 3 Genuine Child Custody Negotiation Factors That You Should Know

When you've gone beyond the stage of separating with your partner and are genuinely looking into child custody arrangements, it's vital that you get acquainted with the process of child custody negotiations to get the best deal possible. Here are 3 tips to consider:

1. Money -


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