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Best Career Opportunities & Courses after BAMS

Submitted by chegg77 on Tue, 08/29/2023 - 02:04

The term "Ayurveda" is derived from "ayur" (life) and "veda" (knowledge). Ayurvedic medicines are renowned for effectively treating even chronic ailments with minimal side effects. This has led to a surge in popularity for Ayurvedic methods and surgery.
The demand for Ayurvedic therapies is on the rise, prompting many students to pursue related courses. One prominent option is the Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) degree.

What to Do After Retirement in India to Earn Money?

Submitted by chegg77 on Mon, 08/28/2023 - 20:02

After retiring in India, individuals have diverse options. Spending time with family, pursuing hobbies, and volunteering offer personal fulfillment. Part-time work or consulting keeps retirees engaged and financially independent. Teaching or mentoring allows them to share expertise. Entrepreneurship can spark creativity. Physical activities and travel contribute to well-being. Lifelong learning through courses or workshops remains accessible. Joining social groups and clubs fosters new connections.

Career Path and Scope of CFA in India

Submitted by chegg77 on Mon, 08/28/2023 - 06:46

"What is the scope of a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) in India?" must have crossed your mind if you are a finance and accounting graduate. The application of CFA in India will be discussed in this article.
You will receive the highest honor in the field of investment management if you are a Chartered Financial Analyst. In India, there are more than 20,000 CFA character holders. The Chartered Financial Analyst Institute offers the CFA program. It is a post-graduate degree that is highly respected throughout the world for work in the financial sector.

MBA after Engineering for Success in 2023 - Benefits, Scope, Salary, Colleges

Submitted by chegg77 on Sun, 08/27/2023 - 22:16

BTech is the starting point for a career in engineering. After a BTech degree, a successful job is possible. In their engineering careers, students can land fantastic jobs as electronic and communication engineers, robotics engineers, nanotechnology engineers, software engineers, and more. The average annual pay for a B.Tech student ranges from 0.2 to 4.5 lakhs depending on their knowledge and talents. However, a research found that 48% of BTech engineering students do not have jobs. To support their BTech careers, students opt for alternative courses.

Top 15 Short-term Courses after MBA to Boost Your Career

Submitted by chegg77 on Thu, 08/24/2023 - 20:30

Education never ends. After graduating or after receiving your degree, you might keep enrolling in other courses to further your professional exploration. With the expansion of the private sector, there is a growing demand for business graduates. Students' interest in short-term courses that can be taken after completing an MBA is growing. You can have a successful career with an MBA from a reputable financial institution, but you can achieve even greater heights by continuing your education after your MBA. After an MBA, continuing your education greatly improves your knowledge and skills.

Top 10 Courses After MBA Finance that Pay Well

Submitted by chegg77 on Thu, 08/24/2023 - 05:28

One of the most popular concentrations for this postgraduate degree is the MBA in Finance. The knowledge and abilities of managerial decision-making, analytical thinking, coordinating processes, and estimating profits and losses of a firm or industry are introduced to the students here. Students are introduced to a variety of financial alternatives through this program. This enables a prospective employee to start their career in finance with both theoretical and practical experience. However, obtaining a solid job does not require nothing more than an MBA degree.

Explaining 3 Year Gap After BTech: What it Means and How to Navigate It

Submitted by chegg77 on Thu, 08/24/2023 - 05:02

A career obstacle shouldn't be caused by a career gap on your resume. These days, it's rather normal for students to experience a 3-year job gap after receiving their BTech. After graduation, students typically take a few years off to focus on getting ready for government admission tests or continuing their education. There are a number of good ways to explain your career gaps, even though they might not make a positive first impression on your recruiting manager. This post is all about discussing a three-year professional hiatus after receiving a BTech.

List of Top 12 Internship Websites in India

Submitted by chegg77 on Wed, 08/23/2023 - 23:56

Obtaining that vital graduate job offer no longer solely depends on having a strong degree in today's society. These days, a successful career depends just as much on your educational background and test results as it does on your relevant work experience. As a result, internships have become a vital tool for people trying to differentiate themselves from the competition. An internship is a formal program that businesses offer to help educate and provide new graduates and students with useful employment experience.

Top Subject for Sending Resume to Get Hired Faster

Submitted by chegg77 on Sun, 08/20/2023 - 20:54

Your prospective employer is very likely to come from that 47% of people, which means that you will only be hired if you carefully choose the subject line for your resume.
Writing a strong topic line, however, can be challenging, especially since there are numerous approaches that can be taken depending on the situation. So how will an applicant know what to write about for whatever job posting?

Managerial Economics - Meaning, Nature, Importance and Scope

Submitted by chegg77 on Fri, 08/18/2023 - 06:39

Every day, business owners must make critical judgments. These choices may concern a business opportunity, a new product, a potential rival, or the course of the company. Businesses must rely on specialists for such crucial judgments. These professionals have a managerial economics background. They are the professionals who put a monetary value on the many chances and then encourage the business to move forward.
1. Application of Economics: Applies economic principles to real-world business scenarios.
2. Decision-Making: Guides rational and informed managerial decisions.


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