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How Is Angioplasty Done?

Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), called angioplasty, is an interventional treatment used to clear a blockage in the heart's coronary arteries and restore healthy blood flow. A catheter including a balloon and a stent gets introduced in the arm or leg for this surgery. Through this, one of the arteries goes to the heart and guided carefully.

Why is angioplasty done?

What To Expect From An Angioplasty Procedure?

Coronary arteries manage the supply of blood to the heart muscle. They can become narrow or blocked due to increased fat and cholesterol. It is known as plaque which gathers around the inner lining of the arterial walls. This results in coronary artery disease (CAP). The treatment for which is often performed through an angioplasty procedure.

How To Use Rapid Test Kits?

There are many diseases prevalent worldwide that spread from one person to another. Sometimes, it becomes difficult to detect the effect and the positivity rate of the person. You can use different methods for testing its presence in the human body and take preventive measures before it is too late.

What Are The Benefits Of The COVID-19 Test Kit?

The world has witnessed many outbreaks to date. People are suffering from multiple complications and symptoms because they lack awareness during the initial stages of the pandemic. There are numerous deaths in a day which is a warning sign for all nations. Some outbreaks also lead to complete wipeout if you fail to take precautions.

Important Facts You Should Know If You Use Birth Controls

Birth control is a topic that keeps popping up in the most unexpected places. Family planning got a big push in India during the 1960s, and from the 1970s onwards, it became an essential item on the government's plan. You might get motivated by a desire to contribute to the global population boom from the previous century. 

A Detailed Guide On C-section?

When you have childbirth, there are two ways to go about with it – caesarean and standard delivery. The C-section is the surgical delivery of the child. It involves one incision on the mother’s abdomen and the other in the uterus. It has become a standard procedure for delivering babies across the world. C-section deliveries are usually avoided before 39 weeks of pregnancy. So, the child gets proper time to develop in the womb.


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