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Compared to how our parents andProMind Complex Review grandparents lived, it is true we have many shortcuts they did not even dream of. However, when it comes to human behavior, human maturity and human relationships, there are no shortcuts!!! Getting a child's attitudes and behaviors back to something that is age appropriate takes as long as it takes.

In general, whether or not there is a serious psychiatric condition, the problem has probably been years in the making, by the time a parent decides to take the step of residential intervention. It takes time to make up for lost time. Maturity and healing cannot be accomplished quickly.

The healing trust that comes from a good relationship with a mentor or therapist, which seems to be the heart of all interventions, takes time to develop, and cannot be rushed. It is only after a child has learned to trust again that the needed emotional growth occurs, which only happens with time, and when the child is in a caring, quality environment that helps him/her learn self-knowledge and self-discipline.