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Why the Paint Tube Is Important

1. In front of the paint tube
We assume that our paint comes in a handy tube because this is not always the case. The paint tube wasn't invented until the 19th century. American artist John Goff Rand is credited with the invention of the tin tube with a screw cap, with which oil paints can be stored and transported without drying out and becoming unusable. Previously, artists had to mix their own colors and store them in the bladder of pigs. The bladder will be tied and then stabbed with glue to release the dye; In 1822, the British artist James Hamms invented a glass syringe with a vacuum to suppress paint. Then light painting tube diy price in india appeared and were definitely the most convenient way to store and transport paint.

2. Open air images
The invention of the color tube made it easier for artists to venture outside. Outdoor painting, the outdoor practice of painting the world as you can see it, is becoming increasingly popular because of the paint tubes. Artists started working before the invention of the paint tube, although outdoor painting has become much more accessible thanks to the paint tube, which is a much better and more convenient option than the pig bladder, which is very easy to use. open.

3. Impressionism
Impressionism is an artistic movement that began in the 19th century. It originated in Paris in the late 19th century when the open air became increasingly popular. Impressionism is characterized by a thin stain that is applied quickly. The object is a view of typical urban and suburban life. A gesture is shown very often. The light and the various effects it has throughout the day are also an integral part of Impressionist painting. Impressionism is one of the most important artistic movements and has had a major influence on contemporary art. Pierre-Auguste Renoir, a prominent French impressionist, said: "Without a tube of paint there would be no impressionism."

4. Color
One of the best things about the invention of the color tube is that it paved the way for more colors. Paints, especially oil paints, take a long time to create, so artists usually produce very little paint to work with. Artists painting outdoors can only carry a small amount of paint and will usually work on one area of the painting at a time. With paint tubes and the invention of many other pigments, artists can pick up any color they want when painting outdoors. They can also finish each image at once because they have the colors they need there.

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