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Which items are available in spill kits?

Spills around the workplace or home are often the main or a major cause of falls, slips and accidents as well as localised environmental pollution. When you’re properly equipped with spill kits to deal with spills quickly and efficiently, down time and danger can be reduced along with the risk of injuries and accidents to the lowest possible levels.

Spill Kits come in a range of options, for general purpose or specialty applications, before purchasing them, it’s advisable to assess your needs and the types of hazards in your particular environment

General Purpose Spill Kits

General purpose spill kits come in a range of sizes from small personal, portable carry style kits that are suitable for keeping in vehicles to medium sized spill kits in wheelie bins or large trailered or mobile spill kits used in industrial areas and places like airports.

Health and safety regulations will dictate which size and type and size of spill kits are required in a particular situation.

Small spill kits usually contain personal safety items such as gloves and safety glasses, materials to absorb spills and a container to contain any hazardous substances while large spill kits contain items in the following list:

Basic Spill Kit List of Contents

In any situation, it pays to be ready for the worst case scenario so you can deal efficiently and quickly with any spills

  • Protective clothing including gloves, safety glasses or goggles, overalls, over shoes or boots
  • Absorbent materials, including paper towels, spill socks, spill pads, absorbent granules
  • Sealable disposal bags or containers, often the container that holds the spill kit is designed to be used to contain any recovered spill as well as the used absorbent materials
  • Dustpan floor sweeps, brooms and brushes
  • Extra waste containers

Spill Kits for Oil and Fuel

Fuel and oil’s are flammable, so need special care and to be removed as quickly as possible

As well as the items in the general purpose spill kits Oil and fuel spill kits usually contain:

  • If petrol is spilt a respirator mask
  • Absorbent socks and absorbent granules in amounts  proportional to the amount of fuel kept on the premises
  • Drain and gully covers

Chemical Spill Kits

Liquid caustic and corrosive chemicals require adequate safety training and the right equipment for all people who deal or come in contact with them. The spill kit must contain appropriate safety equipment for the type of chemicals being stored or used

  • Absorbent materials that are compatible with the various types of chemicals to gather up the amount of these chemicals that could be spilled on site
  • Dry chemicals are normally cleaned up using brooms or vacuum suction where appropriate
  • Face masks, goggles and respirators or self-contained breathing apparatus
  • Rubber boots, non absorbent overalls, head protection and gloves

Selecting the most appropriate type of spill kit for your situation is vital, different hazardous substances require different clean up and containment methods. It’s important to ensure all personal have adequate training in the event of a spillage and understand the role they are expected to play to reduce any danger to life, property or the environment. Having the right spill kits on hand and readily accessible to all personal saves time, limits the possible danger and reduces wastage.