You may have to go on a candida diet if you have Flotrol Review experienced chronic yeast infections for a long time and other treatments are not working for you.For temporary and occasional vaginal yeast infections, the following home and natural remedies have known to provide immediate relief, reduction, and elimination. Try to do this when you first notice signs.Garlic - you can take it externally or internally (insert into the vagina). When inserting into the vagina, you can cut it half and insert with a string before you go to bed and then take it out in the morning. You can eat a clove of garlic by dicing it small and then swallowing with a whole glass of water.
Garlic in general has so many therapeutic results as it kills bacteria and I use to take it even when I didn't have yeast infection. However, taking it for prolonged periods of time made my sweat smell really bad. It's great for short term. You can also take garlic in capsule form if you are not able to bear the taste of raw garlic.
Probiotic - If you have been on antibiotics, your balance between good and bad bacteria has been compromised. You will be more prone to yeast infections and should take a probiotic to replenish the good bacteria in your gut. This is why yogurt is great but yogurt is not a strong enough probiotic so you should buy a good probiotic supplement. Oregano and tea tree oil - Both are anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and very effective in treating yeast infection. You can put 15 drops of the oil on a tampon and then leave it in for 2 hours.