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What food is good for heel pain?

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Submitted by mayajustin on Tue, 06/15/2021 - 23:35

The heel pain is one of the issues that most discomfort due to an increasingly large group of people, especially when the pain is incapacitating, causing difficulty walking, causing even appearance of frustration and depression in the most serious cases.
Heel pain is generally associated with biomechanical disorders (improper way of walking) that directly affects the heel bone and the supporting structures associated with it (tendons) due to increased tension, which results in inflammation and pain.
When taking long walks or wearing uncomfortable footwear, there may be a wound in the plantar region, which can also cause pain.
Causes of heel pain
This pain is the direct expression of the condition of the heel bone and the tendons that attach to it, as this bone is the largest in the foot, it is the main bone support of the foot, and its condition may be due to causes mechanical or external causes, secondary to systemic diseases, affecting the musculoskeletal system; which we will detail below:
1. Biomechanical causes
This involves changes in the shape of the foot, directly related to gait, which in most cases are of congenital origin or the product of deformities in the extremities acquired throughout life, such as flat feet, varismus or valgismus. that affects the mechanical stability of the lower extremities, causing constant inflammation of the plantar region.
2. Plantar fasciitis
The plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the fascia foot (fibrous web supports and maintains the plantar arch) generally repeated trauma, standing for prolonged periods overweight, rams, or prolonged physical activity, is one of the most frequent causes of pain in the heel that worsens in the morning when starting to walk.
3. Calcaneal spur
This is a kind of neocalcification that forms in the heel bone, as a compensatory mechanism for supporting excess weight and pressure in the plantar region.
It is frequent in people over 40 years of age who are obese and who use appropriate footwear, with congenital or acquired foot deformities, it is directly associated with the appearance of plantar fasciitis.
4. Heel bursitis
The retrocalcaneal bursa is a supportive tissue in the shape of a small bag that is located between the heel bone and the Achilles tendon, when it becomes inflamed, localized pain is generated in the back of the heel, which is exacerbated with movements of the foot.
It can appear in athletes due to traumatic injuries in the area.
5. Trauma to the heel
Any traumatic injury in the plantar region can cause pain in the heel, whether due to a direct blow, poor fall movement after a jump, however, it is very likely that an injury will occur in the area.
6. Arthritis
Our feet provide support and shock absorption for our body weight throughout life. But over time, and depending on many factors, such as activity levels and weight, this pressure can cause arthritic wear and tear, for example in diseases such as osteoarthritis and inflammatory conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis.
How to relieve heel pain naturally
Much of the pain in the heel, whether it is pain in the back of the heel or pain that radiates to the bottom of the foot, needs a comprehensive and multi-stage approach to properly treat.
Rest is recommended initially, along with over-the- counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen. After this initial period of rest, it is important to take active steps to reduce pain, strengthen the foot overall, and prevent further damage.
Relieving heel pain can be done through some natural or traditional measures, including:
• Home remedies that can help reduce inflammation.
• Heel exercises.
• Medicines prescribed by a specialist.
• Therapy with a physiotherapist to rehabilitate the foot.
• Interventional procedures, such as radiofrequency ablation or injections.
• Surgery for severe cases.
Natural solutions:
1. Local cold
Apply a cold compress or a piece of ice covered with a compress on the heel, in periods of 30-40 minutes, which generates an increase in blood flow, thus helping the local pro-inflammatory factors to be "swept away" achieving improvement of pain in the heels.
2. Arnica tincture
This substance is traditionally used to help in acute and chronic inflammatory processes, for its anti-inflammatory benefits. In most cases it is applied with warm compresses.
3. Adopting a balanced diet
Avoid the consumption of foods that can increase uric acid levels in the joints, especially in patients with acute gouty arthritis disease, in this way painful crises are reduced
5. Tennis ball massage
Place your heel on the ground and a tennis ball under the arch of your foot. Slowly bring your weight forward onto the tennis ball. Hold for 30 seconds. Try to prevent your fingers from grabbing the ball and move it towards your heel. The idea is to move our foot on the ball so that the same action of the movement can massage our foot.
6. Soak your feet in Epsom salts
You can use Epsom salts or arnica salts in high concentration to prepare a warm bath with which you can soak your feet, this home remedy is very effective in relieving pain in the heel.
Other recommendations
They include avoiding being overweight, wearing comfortable shoes taking into account the characteristics of each person's foot, shoes and insoles for support and cushioning are recommended, avoiding prolonged standing, thus achieving improvement in heel pain.
Having sore knees is common and isn’t usually a sign of anything serious. There are many possible causes, which can range from a simple muscle strain or tendonitis, to some kind of arthritis. Sometimes a cause can’t be found. Knee pain can often be treated at home and you should start to feel better after a few days. As you age, getting knee pain may become more common. You’re also more at risk of getting knee pain if you are overweight. Knee pain may sometimes be the result of a sports or other injury.