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What is the best treatment for low sperm motility?

Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperm in the female reproductive canal or in water to reach the egg without getting stuck. Low sperm motility problems are detected when less than 32% of the sperm are capable of moving effectively. There's no need to fear if your spouse has been diagnosed with low sperm motility. The fertility specialists at the Best Fertility Center in Patna will guide you through the strategies to improve your sperm motility and raise your chances of getting pregnant through assisted conception treatments.
Causes of low sperm motility

  • Smoking: You may not be aware of the fact that smoking can cause low sperm motility.
  • Stress: If you're stressed out, you may feel sluggish. The same is true for your sperms. You can reduce your tension by learning relaxing techniques.
  • Heat: Extreme heat is harmful to your sperm so, you should refrain from taking hot tub dips, hot showers, and visiting the sauna. It's also a no-no to wear tight pants or underwear.

The best treatments for low sperm motility
There are several treatments that fertility specialists can offer to overcome this problem.

  • In Vitro Fertilization(IVF): It is a medical procedure that involves giving a woman medicine to increase the creation of eggs, which are then extracted from the ovary and fertilized in a laboratory with sperm. Then the embryo is subsequently returned to the mother's womb to continue developing.
  • Hormonal treatment: Men with low levels of sperm stimulating hormones produced by the pituitary gland may be treated with hormones. If doctors give male patients hormones like Humagon or Pergonal, patients might be able to boost the number of sperm, allowing them to conceive on their own.
  • Internal Sperm Injection (IUI): The IUI method involves the collection and washing of sperm. The fastest travelling sperm are then put into the uterus using a thin plastic tube to create a fertilized egg.

If you're interested in fertility treatments, Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre offers you the chance to meet with the top fertility specialist for a private consultation. The fertility specialists at Vatsalya Mamta Fertility Centre can increase the odds of conceiving even for people who have had past miscarriages with their accumulated expertise and the latest technology.