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Vein and Insufficiencies: Types, Causes, and Treatment

Are any of you bothered about varicose veins or spider veins?  Do you feel pain or swelling in the legs? Are you able to see veins on the surface of your legs or any redness? Let us dig a little deeper to know what these actually are.

Varicose Vs Spider Veins: What is the difference?

Varicose veins and spider veins are both a matter of concern when they become severe with certain complications. Both these conditions are caused by the weakening of the valve and the blood cannot reach properly back to the heart. Factors such as excess weight, standing for long, hormonal changes and others cause spider and varicose veins.

Though the causes are common, the spider and varicose veins differ in size and shape. Varicose veins are a large network of twisted veins while spider veins are tinier blue and red veins similar to a spider web, that’s where they got the name from.

Varicose veins are most common in legs while spider veins can even appear on the face. Serious cases of varicose veins can even result in ulceration and other complications if not treated.

How are spider veins treated?

Spider veins don’t require any particular treatment unless the symptoms are severe. The main treatment options for spider and varicose veins involve either removing them through surgery or damaging them. Vitamin K cream is also a specified treatment for spider veins.

Treatment for spider veins is simple and efficient. A comprehensive vein evaluation is important before going for the treatment. If there are any other venous insufficiencies and the treatment is done without prior evaluation, the spider veins may reappear. The treatment for spider vein includes;

  1. Compression stockings: support stockings help push the blood upwards reducing the pressure on the leg veins. These are made to fit according to the individual’s size and shape.
  2. Exercisingdaily help alleviate the symptoms of spider veins. Exercise can help to pump blood up towards the heart.
  3. Surgery: is based on the severity of the spider veins and depends upon the venous anatomy of each individual.
  4. Sclerotherapy: is a procedure that is used to treat blood vessels and lymphatic systems. A chemical is injected into the veins which make them shrink and die in a few months.
  5. Laser therapy: it is the recent evolution in the treatment of varicose veins or spider veins. It works best on the smaller veins and is a good alternative to sclerotherapy. Certain skin types are restricted from using laser therapy due to a few side effects.
  6. Radiofrequency ablation: is a treatment for chronic venous insufficiency. Unlike laser therapy, it uses thermal energy.

What is Thrombophlebitis?

Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation in the skin that causes a blood clot and block veins to restricting blood towards the heart. The affected vein can appear on the surface causing superficial thrombophlebitis or deep under your skin causing deep vein thrombophlebitis (DVT).

DVT increases your risk of serious health issues. If you have swollen veins or feel pain and have developed a breathing problem, you need to see a doctor ASAP. This might be a blood clot that can affect the lungs as well as heart if left untreated.

What causes Phlebitis?
Phlebitis means inflammation of a vein. Thrombophlebitis is usually caused by a blood clot. Some other common causes or risk factors that lead to phlebitis are;

  • Inherited blood-clotting disorder
  • An injury in the vein
  • IV (intravenous catheter) induced phlebitis
  • Prolonged immobility
  • Varicose or spider veins
  • Severe burn and others

If you are facing any such symptoms or risk factors, you must see the doctor soon.

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