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Types of Egress Window MN And How Can You Maximize Your Investment

If you want to turn your basement into a livable space, installation of egress windows is a mandatory requirement in most cities and towns in the country. But it is also important for the homeowners to know that egress windows are available in a number of different types and depending upon the design of your basement and also the budget you can choose from among the following categories –

Casement types: Casement windows swing out like ordinary doors and normally hang on two or more hinges. Casement type egress windows are considered suitable for all different types of basements and are also the smallest among all different types of egresses available. Cost of casement type egress windows vary among $220 to $500.

Sliding or horizontal: These windows have a larger footprint of minimum 4x4 feet for meeting the mandatory guidelines requirements and instead of swinging out these egress windows slide open – similar to the sliding doors. Cost of this type of egress window MN can be $150 to $500.

Single-hung: These are also sometimes called classic egress windows, consists of two tall panes of which the bottom pane slides up when the window is opened. That is why while installing this type of egresses it is important to make sure that after opening the bottom pane provides a clearance that is in accordance with the requirements for a net clearing. The cost of this type of egress window is within $100 to $500.
In-swing: In swing egress windows are same with casement type egresses with the only difference that instead of swinging out to open these windows swing in to provide the clearing for emergency escape of rescue operations.

How to maximize your investment in an egress window

For the purpose of maximizing the return on your investment for egress window installation Minneapolis there are certain construction choices or specific design that you can make the most of –

Casement windows give the impression of more space: As they swig out to open casement windows can make even a small basement look specious. They are also among the most affordable among all the different types of egress windows and are actually the most popular among all types.

Opt for light colors and finishes: If you choose an egress window that has light colors and finishes it can make a basement feel more lighted and airy as well provide it with the feelings of being more specious too.

Extend up: it is also possible to retrofit an old window in the basement as an egress window and this can keep the cost of installation considerably down. Extending the window height is a good idea and can further keep the costs down but you should not be adding width for that can not only compromise the building foundation by also add to the expenses.

Underground lines: If excavation around the property is required for egress window installation make sure that you don’t damage the underground utility lines for that can considerable add to the expenses in terms of repairing costs.