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Treating Chronic Pain - How to Find the Right One

Cycling can be performed with a stationary Back Pain SOS Review bike, freestanding bike or the usual motion bike. Cycling equipments may be added or adjusted based on health constraints a patient with arthritis may have. Running could be pretty hard for those affected with joint pain especially on the knees, ankles and toes. However, running is a better option than just sitting around. Through running, the lower extremities are being trained for better flexibility and strength.

This will also add to stronger bones and muscles and aids in proper blood circulation.Arthritis patients are advised to run on softer surfaces at a slow pace for half an hour each day. Speeding up may be harmful depending on individual circumstances. Karen K. suffered burning peripheral neuropathy (PN) pains in both feet. She could not sleep without heavy medication. She had been on three different neuropathy medications for a year and a half and her condition was worsening. Worse yet, the medications were interfering with drugs she was taking for other health challenges.

Not only was her pain worsening, but so was her health. She was desperate for not only relief but also a solution. Many PN sufferers find themselves in a situation like Karen's. Often their doctors are just as frustrated, not having effective medications to offer. Whether a person's symptoms are due to diabetes, a drug side-effect, chemotherapy or disease, the problem is that a nerve is not working as it should. In the past few years, some new non-drug treatments are offering hope. But do they really work? Here is what I have found.