Using a bunded pallet or containment pallet as some people call them is an important safety measure and now required by Australian work safe regulations when storing or using bulk chemicals. Using a bunded pallet will ensure that in the event any type of hazardous liquid or dry chemical spill, either while these items are in storage, being transported, processed or while being used in manufacturing, that any spill is contained and easily dealt with.
A bunded pallet can eliminate the possibility of adverse chemical reactions taking place because chemicals spill and mix with other chemicals. They are also very effective in stopping chemicals escaping into the environment causing damage to people, property and polluting the environment.
Bunded pallets are designed with the ability to contain at least 110% of the capacity of the largest package that can be stored on them. Made to be able to withstand the elements, bonded pallets are suitable for outdoor and indoor storage applications, allowing for greater flexibility and protection of the workplace and those working there.
The main reasons, it’s important to use a bunded pallet are:
Safer and easier cleanups
When a spillage occurs from a container or package on a bunded pallet, the design of the pallet ensures that the spill will be contained in the holding area of that pallet, so can be managed easily, without the need to use spill kits or to place workers in any unnecessary danger because of the need to clean up or contain the spill.
Bunded pallets are designed so that hazardous substances that spill, are not only contained within the pallet, but they can usually be recovered and recycled from within the pallet with minimal loss and disruption to production.
Making the workplace safer
Bunded pallets are designed to eliminate the danger of spills and accidents during chemical transportation, in the workplace and in storage facilities. They come in a range of sizes and designs to suit different applications and accommodate containers such as 60 litre to 220 litre steel and plastic drums and IBC’s (International Bulk Containers) of up to 1000 litres
Some bonded pallets are designed to accommodate drums or various sizes with containment areas of suitable capacity to contain the contents of those drums
Other types of bunded pallets are designed to accommodate dry chemicals and include containment areas to capture any spills from damaged bags or containers
Types of Bunded Pallet Materials
Bunded pallets for corrosive chemicals are usually made are made using polyethylene a common material used to contain or store corrosive liquid chemicals. These have the advantage that they are strong, inexpensive, relatively lightweight, long-lasting, non-reactive and easy to clean before and after use
Steel bunded pallets are usually used for oils, flammable liquids and dry chemicals. They are very robust and not easily damaged when being moved around. Usually, they are manufactured using galvanized steel, then powder coated in colours to make them easily recognizable for the safe storage of a range of drum sizes and poly containers.
All businesses using or storing dangerous goods must make sure in the event of leaks or spills, these can be properly contained. The best and most effective method for this is using bunded pallets which are the ideal solution for storing, using or transporting hazardous or dangerous chemicals and safeguarding the workplace, personal and the environment in the event of accidents.