They ambition to add abode ships with altered roles, and they ambition to add single-player agreeable and what Buy FIFA 16 Coins.Chris Smith referred to as "Left 4 Dead-style" missions breadth assorted bodies aggregation up to yield down a agile or enemies or a basal ship.
But aboriginal they accept to achieve the aggregate bold the best it can be, and already that's done they can absolution it alongside the Oculus Breach retail kit and Activity Morpheus. And afresh they will activate to physique out the content."Our key as a aggregation is to amuse one ambition in the abbreviate appellation ... and that is to achieve you red leader, that is to achieve you Starbuck in Battlestar, that is to achieve you every goddamned amplitude cine you’ve anytime apparent that you ambition to activity in, but to do it in the EVE universe, to get up and abutting with the big vehicles," Smith said.
"I’ve apparent some of [the battles in Eve Online], and they affect me, but amidst those there’s drones and the baby little things FIFA 16 Coins. That’s breadth we are. We’re the microscope put on the EVE universe."They've already amorphous to beef out the game's acceptance and story, and this will be arise in a banana book in 2015.