After its debut in 1930, the hosting right from the world cup is awarded to DS Gold various countries. This football championship has continued since inception for each four years except in 1942 and 1942 because from the world cup. However, it continues to be like an on-going event because from the qualifying rounds which are staged in each continent to choose the countries which will represent the continent around the world scene.
These qualifier series are spread inside the three years from the break between two world cups.At the finals from the tournament, only 32 national teams will compete for that world cup on the period of a month while being camped in the selected country to host the big event. This large representation makes this football game the sporting event that's most widely-viewed within the world.
Dating back towards the days when football game was rarely played elsewhere but Great Britain, the very first international football live match was between Scotland and England in 1872. With increased popularity, the round leather game was staged like a demonstration sport (without medals) in the 1906, 1904, and 1900 Summer Olympics.