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Tequila Works has reacquired the rights

Tequila Works has reacquired the rights to its attainable adventitious bold Rime the developer has announced FIFA 17 Points."Tequila Works has called to antithesis the rights to its adventitious bold RiME" the aggregation said on Twitter "and is animate harder to realise its aspirations for it."


The suggests that Sony may no best accept affairs to advertisement the bold which was arise in 2013 as a "first affair PS4 exclusive FUT Coins". If so the bold could end up on added platforms beneath a altered administrator or selfpublished by Tequila Works.The exact cachet of the bold meanwhile charcoal cryptic with little accepting been credible aback 2014.VideoGamer has contacted Sony for comment.Source @RiMEGameFacebook ShareTwitter ShareRimeGet the best bulk atRelated StoriesRime & Everybody's Gone to the Rapture not due until 2015?2 CommentsNew accepting to analysis out