Remember, stress alone can inhibit a person's ability to Meridian Health Protocol Review digest foods, and there are people who overcome cancer simply with positive thought! There's no reason to believe that one standard set of charts could possibly be applicable to all humans. We each have environmental conditions and personal situations and histories that implicate themselves in our overall health equation.
My protein needs may not be your protein needs, and the only person who can even begin to assess your protein needs or any of your needs is you! You can do that best by observing the signs your body gives you, not by following some nutritional chart whose production was generously sponsored by the meat, or dairy, or poultry industry. I don't believe that we have "one solution" that works across the board for everyone. Let's face it, if it was possible, we'd already have it.
There is just your way. The only way to determine what that is, will be by experimentation, observation, and sometimes the courage to take risks, make changes and explore the unknown! With practice and by employing the use of one of our many programs, you will naturally improve your ability to observe the natural health indicators of your body, such as skin tone, quantity and quality of sleep, energy, and emotional poise.