UX designers, on the other hand, know that the feelings user have about your product can make the difference between success and failure. In fact, Bookie Raider User Experience (UX) is a rather vague term. Apart from possessing immense creativity, grasp of architecture and graphic design, a UX designer should also have strong analytical skills and a have a firm grasp of psychology and human factors. Granted, without a perfectly crafted interface and interaction design, you cannot appeal to the users. But, sleek design and a fancy user interface are simply not enough to make user fall head over heels with your product. In fact, there is an overlap between UI and UX design. That's because there is a connection between 'what you see' (UI) and 'how you feel about it' (UX). Is there a way to compromise between the two? You bet so. At the end of the day, users might and will forget certain details of a website or an application, but they certainly won't forget the feeling they get from using and interacting with that web page or app.
As Steve Jobs once put it "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works". Here's the plea to both UI and UX designers: Make it work! The rest will just follow. Among businesses, small and large, success is often judged by the "Bottom Line" or, in other words, "Profit." The ratio of profit to revenue is a quick, easy way to determine relative value of an organization. It is no wonder that business owners and CEOs focus on this ratio as a means of judging corporate value and overall performance of their organizations. Recently, the results of a Gallop survey revealed that less than one-third of all employees are actually engaged in achieving the goals of that organization (a pretty small number). That means that nearly 7 out of 10 employees, in your company, are not helping your company achieve its most important goals. In fact, they may actually be working against you and attempting to sabotage your goals. "How about them apples?" How can you possibly expect to reach your goals and add to the bottom line, when over 70% of your people are working against you?