The Bible sets aside a whole day a year for fasting:Manifestation Sigil Review the Day of Atonement. "Everyone must go without eating from the evening of the ninth to the evening of the tenth on the seventh month which is the Day of Atonement." Moses fasted for forty days and forty nights, twice back-to-back, without food or water; the first, immediately before he received the tablets on the mountain with God. And the second, after coming down, seeing the Israelites practicing idolatry, and breaking the tablets in anger.
For all Catholics fasting is an important spiritual discipline, found in both the Old Testament and the New. It highlights the synergy between the body and the soul. The Orthodox Christians do not see a dichotomy between soul and body but rather consider them as a united whole and they believe what happens to one affects the other - the psychosomatic union. Saint Gregory Palamas argued that man's body is not an enemy but a partner and collaborator with the soul.
Fasting is a very integral part of the Hindu religion. One may fast for almost any reason; a birth, a death, to find a good husband, for prosperity, to honor a particular deity, to celebrate the full moon and fasting during religious festivals is also very common. Interestingly Hindus also fast for a whole month during Shraavan mas, the Hindu holy month.