It is truly amazing when we consider and see there Manifestation Sigil Review 'is nothing new under the sun.' Early in the biblical record of man it is recorded that when faced with a choice of seeking knowledge, man chose to depart from the only source of all Wisdom and Knowledge and seek out his own way. With this choice came corruption and dilution.
He was thrust out from Perfection into chaos and a howling wasteland. Throughout history mankind continues along this broad way of destruction. Blindly, willingly believing he, with knowledge acquired through false science, can achieve his own perfection. Can that which is imperfect make itself perfect or can impurity make itself pure? Only that which is Perfect has the Power to make restoration.
Graciously, Perfection did come to rescue and restore. He purchased with a great price a new and living way for imperfection to be restored unto Himself in the restoration of all things, which He purposed to do from before the foundation of the world.