This closes us off from new ideas, thoughts, and the Biohacking Secrets Review potential for us to expand and become greater. At the same time the world, especially the media, is pumping in images and ideas about what the me should be, thus making the me uncomfortable and unable to apply its full attention and energies to improving life for itself or living out its own hopes and dreams. Society shows us, in so many words or examples, that is not going to happen except for the chosen few. While we work hard and struggle to hold on to the old idea of me we become frustrated. It feels that we are winning but we are not satisfied because the thing that we struggle to keep is not the real Me. It is just the earlier projections of friends, families, relatives and of course, the good old TV Set, weaving themselves into a false identity.
We discover this later in life, if we are fortunate, and our striving becomes one of letting go and peeling off the thoughts, ideas, and images that created the me so we can get back to the primal self, the originator of the idea of me, or I. When we come to this true self life begins. This is difficult though. There are many internal obstacles and external ones. The best way to deal with these obstacles is through meditation.
There are various forms of meditation, of course. All of them seem to work, if a person is patient and if a person understand why they are doing it. True meditation designed to awaken the Self takes much dedication. It may take a lot of time, or a brief period of time. If a person has much knowledge of the true Self and the truth of being in the universe it can happen in one moment. It becomes tearing away the vale between the Holy of Holies and stepping into that sacred space where no idol or representation of the Self exists, only the true, eternal being that is one with every aspect of the universe and beyond.