During a GDC Europe panel, Palm explained that the game's focus on sweets was a no-brainer, accustomed the delicacy's bulge above the world. There are many, abounding match-3 amateur on all three platforms (some of which were even developed by King), but none acquire been as acknowledged or as civil as Bonbon Crush Saga."We saw that aboriginal on, if we accustomed it on our website," Palm said. "We could see how accustomed it became, abnormally —we acquire a lot of women, 25 to 55-years old, and it went actually able-bodied for that ambition audience. I anticipate that's the key to why it became such an astronomic success. It fits for the accomplished family, so everybody can play it together Buy FIFA 16 Coins."Candy Crush Saga has activate success — to the tune of 600 amateur plays and, according to the a lot of contempo abstracts from assay website
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