The quality of life, comfort, and
resiliency of seriously ill patients and their families are all improved by
palliative care. Patients who are seriously sick have life-threatening
illnesses, such as cancer, organ failure, or dementia, which negatively influence
their daily lives or cause significant stress for their caregivers.An interdisciplinary team of
doctors, nurses, social workers, and chaplains provide palliative care services
to identify and treat the medical, psychological, social, and spiritual stressors
related to serious diseases. Primary care doctors, heart or cancer specialists,
palliative care professionals, home health agencies, private businesses, and
healthcare institutions can all offer it. Who can benefit from palliative care?All patients with serious
illnesses, regardless of age, prognosis, disease stage, or preferred course of
treatment, have access to palliative
care services. It should ideally be given early in the illness and continue
with any curative or life-extending therapy. In other words, patients can
receive both palliative care and treatment for their condition; they are not
required to choose between them.Palliative, Dementia
and alzheimer care can help patients live longer and enhance the quality of
life for the patient and their families by lowering emotional and physical
anguish and discomfort. The increased quality of life, proper administration of
disease-specific medications, and early referral to hospice for intensive
symptom management and stabilization are the causes of prolonged survival.What benefits does palliative
care provide?Some believe that they are a
cure, have no benefit, and involve opiate abuse. There are many myths about
palliative personal
care that, even today, continue to spread by word of mouth. These beliefs
demonstrate a lack of knowledge of this care branch and underestimate the work
that all kinds of health professionals carry out daily, from doctors and nurses
to psychologists and physiotherapists. Palliative care services are the best
choice.To combat them and begin to expand
the resource and access to palliative care at home, want to emphasize the
benefits they bring to both patients and their families:Specialized and personalized
attention Terminal, chronic, or long-standing illnesses
may or may not have a cure. But it is not the goal of palliative care. In this
sense, the professionals who treat patients must be trained in a specific
branch of medicine to relieve pain and symptoms, not eliminate evil.Early startThe sooner palliative care
treatment is started, the better quality of life for the patient and his family
until the end of his days.Comfort and well-being in the
face of diseaseThis is the main objective, and
the team of professionals in charge of each patient directs all its actions.Full access to the necessary
resourcesEspecially when treatment is
carried out at home, palliative care combines all the available tools to
achieve maximum well-being for patients beyond the disease.Emotional SupportAny health problem has connotations that go far
beyond physical discomfort. In terminal or chronic illnesses, psychological and
spiritual accompaniment for the patient and their loved ones is essential. And
palliative care provides it without hesitation.