Once Garden Shredder living off the grid was considered a life choice of the old hippies but as more and more contemporary families seek it out the more accepted it has become.
In fact, entire communities have popped up around the United States alone that live completely off the grid depending on solar energy and wind power for their electricity.
These communities enjoy many of the same luxuries and amenities that the "normal" household enjoy; they just do it with a mailbox that holds fewer bills.
One of the major sources of electricity for off the grid living is the solar panel. Many of us have encountered solar panels before mostly in calculators.
That small strip up top is a solar panel and as long as the calculator gets light, it will work. The same principle works in powering a house by these solar panels.
By a system of panels aimed at the light along with back up batteries for those cloudy days, an entire house can be powered.
With sufficient and efficient use of solar panels it is possible to completely eradicate one's dependence on outside power sources such as those supplied by electric Garden Label companies.