The official website speaker of SWTOR said that to Matt about Alliance, Buddies, as well as players’ questions particularly associated with being able to access future Buddies. Now players had better to gain some cheap SWTOR Credits in game to help you finish the task in game. Between this thread and those linked within the OP, the speaker said that he believe players will find two primary questions you're searching to possess addressed.
Should the SWTOR team have to accomplish presently available alert Missions to unlock future alert Missions?
By at this time, the response to this really is yes. Within each Alliance Companion type (Military, Underworld, etc), the Companion recruitment alerts are greatly checked out just like a Mission chain. Generally, you have to complete one alert Mission before you will get the following. It will be easier if you have enough SWTOR Credits. Observe that you simply need to complete the Mission itself, not always recruit any Companion connected by using it. There might be exceptions for this afterwards, for story reasons, but this is actually the general rule at this time. It's worth observing this is one thing the dev team is speaking about, therefore it could change, but this is the way it really works at this time.
Should SWTOR team have to unlock Buddies like Pierce to gain access to future Buddies?
The response to your real question is maybe. The SWTOR is available to the potential of future PvP related Buddies/Mission content that could require completing M1-4X/Pierce's Missions. Now, keep in mind that you can buy SWTOR Credits in game. Nevertheless, we'd unlikely have PvE related content want it.
The Speaker said he believe which should answer the main questions you have! Tell me contrary requires further clarification.