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Nutritious and Beneficial Wheat Free Flour Alternatives

Next eat only watermelons for two or three days, watermelons Epishield Plus Review cleanse our livers and kidneys and they are cooling to our bodies.Next eat only papayas for two to three days, papayas work on our intestines and digestion. They have lots of digestive elements in them which help with our digestive process.After this start on a two to three day fast of drinking only lemon honey water, this helps resolves deficiencies and gets rid of excess mucus.To finish the first part of our fast we end here with a day only on water, try not to drink anything ice cold. Then, we repeat all the steps, but backwards.

Two to three days of Lemon and honey, then papaya, then watermelon, then cantaloupe, the resign we need to repeat these steps is to give our bodies a chance to get used to eating solid food once again.When we are finished with the last day of cantaloupe, we can have more fruits like strawberries, blue berries, peaches, mangos, apples, bananas and more. If you like you can add some yogurt and vegetables as well.Now gradually include in your meals some grains, beans, rice, be easy and work your way up to a full meal. Letting our bodies adjust to the new situation is best.

This kind of fruit fasting is great for losing weight and it replenishes all our bodies liquids, it is a great cleansing diet which helps with high blood pressure, kidney and bladder disorders, poor complexion and stomach and intestine disorder.Just remember when doing these types of fasts to use only the very best fruits, organic or 100% natural or unrefined as possible because we will be putting these fruits into our bodies for cleansing and losing weight.If any of the fruit we eat is not organic or 100% natural, then we would be putting poisons inside us along with the good fruit which would cause more stress and strain on our bodies then was necessary.