The most obvious solution is to get rid of RuneScape
So, do the mutes work? No. People have as much freedom as anybody else, they can still cause havoc while they are muted, and a few return worse than before, many just stay the same. It may happen gradually as the individual matures, but the mutes themselves have little or no result.
I should point out that there are individuals who get eloquent unfairly, and therefore are a different case. My situation is to the people who have caused the offence deliberately to rain havoc on the neighborhood, as an effort to disrupt it, ruin friendships, and many other things.
So what's to be done then? Should it continue as before, let people remain the manner that they were prior to the mute? Become more harsh and rigorous? Or decrease the punishment? I really don't understand, I have a view that the muting system does not work, for the two reasons they cause more anger than good, and the fact that quickchat has ruined the point of muting. The most obvious solution is to eliminate quickchat, will this work? Perhaps, but many folks will continue to be angry. Eliminate the players? Maybe, but that's getting rid of people that constitute the community, individuals who help the game grow. Simply speaking, it is the mindset of the people behind the offence that needs sorting out, but that's a true individual, and this is a virtual game, is it really possible to change the individual?
I hope that this have given you something to think about, and I'll leave you with the exact same question which I started together, do mutes work? Thank you for reading. Don't discuss botting programs here!! I will report your post swiftly into a moderator! ...
Being a free player, and having played before the trade limitations, I was full aware of how many botters there were from the game. Now that there are trade restrictions set up, logic could denote that macroing has shifted in the personal'Gold Farmers' sector to the public'Players' industry, and the Gold Farmers could have pretty much moved on.
Having noticed a macroing software at a buddy's place, and having detected macroers while woodcutting throughout my old main's increase to 99 woodcutting before the trade upgrade, it's not difficult for me to tell when someone is using them. JaGeX introduced the transaction restrictions to prevent botters. Well, it didn't work. All it's done is due to the private'Gold Farmers' to change their method of earning money. What they do now is'Sell' botting programs within the internet to the Players. (though there ARE free ones)
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